Coffee starts as a fruit which needs to be picked timely, processed cautiously, roasted precisely,
and brewed carefully. When importance is given to every one of these steps, coffee has the power to change lives.
We are an independent coffee company that sources at origin, working directly with coffee producers and exporters to ensure mutual benefits and long lasting relationships.
Join us at our coffee bar in Sarasota or buy some beans online, our coffee is always roasted fresh
by our partner Carl in St. Louis. We focus on light to medium roast profiles which allow the unique flavors
of each coffee to shine no matter the brewing method.
Manuel, Amanda, and Carl

Contact Us
Retail Customers:
For general questions regarding your order, any specific coffee or how we sourced that coffee,
please email us at info@palmacoffee.com
Wholesale Customers:
If you are a retailer, cafe or restaurant looking to stock or use Palma Coffee as your trusted coffee supplier please send an email over to manuel@palmacoffee.com for wholesale pricing.
Coffee Suppliers:
Building relationships is our favorite part of being in coffee and we value engaging with our industry.
If you are a coffee farm or a coffee exporter please send an email to manuel@palmacoffee.com
Coffee Archive
WeiWei - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Isale - North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
KC Coffee Geek reviews:
Palma Journal: